It really depends on the regular practise. A basic level of playing can be attained in a few months.

You can start lessons with our teachers and see how it goes before you decide to buy an instrument. It is ideal to have an instrument at home for regular practise. You can start with a small keyboard and upgrade it at a later stage.

Lessons are held in North Kellyville and Stanhope Gardens.

We can teach you any song you like (any Indian language / Western music too). Speak to your tutor to understand which song suits your level and what songs sounds better in which instrument etc.

Our tutors are well versed in playing hindi and many south indian languages, Indian classical music and western songs themselves since many years.

Music has no language barriers!

We never recommend any particular length of time. We recommend repetition of what has been taught in the class by the instructor to progress to the next level.

No, we don’t sell anything at our studio. If you are just starting out and don’t have an instrument yet, we will help point you in the right direction as far as where to get an instrument and about how much a beginner instrument should cost.

By not selling instruments, we can focus on what we do best, teach! 

Is it okay if myself / my child decides to start on one instrument and then wants to switch to another instrument?

A: That’s ok! We understand everybody has a tough week now and again. Let’s go over the material from last week again, have some fun together, and try to do better next week. Music is fun! That’s why they call it playing music!”

: Stage shows are not mandatory, and at our studio, we never want our students to do something they are uncomfortable with. Our stage shows are fun, low-pressure events, and if you think your child may be a bit shy about performing for the first time, please come and just listen and watch a performance. We gladly encourage participation if you would like us too.

No. We can recommend certain books for student’s use as needed and it’s your choice

Students that are already in the program will have the first choice at new times as they become available.
If your schedule changes, let your tutor/staff know, and they will give you top priority in moving if an alternative time is available.

Stage shows are held once a year. Staff will share more details will parents and students one term prior to the performance

Stage performance fees are not part of term fees. A separate invoice will be generated for the same in term 4 and you will be informed about the same. You can choose whether you want to be part of the show or not. Also our tutors will advise if you are ready for performing or not in Term 3.

No. Every instructor evaluates each student to determine their level of understanding, and then tailors their study. The most important part of taking lessons is learning to play.
Our instructors want you to have a good foundation to build on; however, they do not want to waste your or their time.

Yes you can! You can book as many classes as you like. We recommend once a week or max twice a week so you have enough time to practice at home prior to next class.

We need to know by the last day of the current calendar month.
We have several ways to do this; you can tell your instructor, email us @ bollywoodschollofmusic.com.au, or call and leave a message. We need to know by the last day of the current calendar month.
We have several ways to do this; you can tell your instructor, email us @ bollywoodschollofmusic.com.au, or call and leave a message.

Refund in the middle of the term is not possible.
However, we will be able to refund:
1. If we find another student willing to start in the middle of the term.
2. If student is discontinuing because of the health issues.

Fees will only be charged for the upcoming sessions in that term.

Instructor will work with student to manage this will the student and get them up to the speed.

All payments are to be made via our website.

You can book 1 class and experience the learning and then decide to book next classes.

In group classes, there will be maximum of 4 students.

If you need to miss a lesson due to illness or an important committment, at least 24 hours notice must be given. If notice is given , then a makeup can be organised by contacting our staff.
If you cancel within 24 hours, then no refund or makeup lesson is provided.

 If a teacher needs to cancel a lesson due to illness or a previous commitment, we try to find a replacement teacher for the lesson. If that is not possible, we can try and reschedule the lesson or we will give you a credit for the lesson off your fees.

Parents can only accompany kids on the first day of the class.

Our instructors are always willing to talk to parents about their children.
Please feel free to ask your child’s instructor anything about their progress, and know that the instructor is willing to give you periodic updates.

The average age to start a child is six.
The main criteria are that the child knows his/her alphabet and can sit down and focus for atleast 30-45 mins continuously. It will be an interactive class and our tutors have lot of experience working with children to make it interesting for them.

Children ages infant to five excel in group learning environments. Mom and Me or a preschool class is the age appropriate program for that age group. Call today for further help finding the right lesson or class for your child.

Yes. By monitoring that they are doing exercises a certain number of times per day, the student will progress. Our teachers are very happy to help ensure our students get off to a great start!